The Rozenknop Social
As a company we find social involvement very important. Involvement in people, in the neighborhood and in the city. This way we are connected to various initiatives and associations.
Stichting Leuk je te ontmoeten
About twice a month our upstairs room is the home base for the social evenings organized in collaboration with Stichting Leuk Je Te Ontmoeten. A casual evening where people with a slight disability can meet and where needed be supported by the volunteers. Take a look at the website for more information.
Stichting Met Je Hart
Stichting Met Je Hart works in various municipalities with GPs, elderly nurses, home care workers, community nurses, pastors and local residents to organize meetings between, above all, lonely, elderly people. They organize meetings in catering establishments in the neighborhood, so that these elderly people come into contact with each other and others. If necessary, the elderly are picked up and brought back to their residences. Once a month we organize a lunch together for these elderly people from the neighborhood. We are proud that we can help in this! If you know someone who could belong to this target group let us know!
Associations and Clubs
For about 15 years a group has been active in our hall, and operates under the name "Cafezingen'. The first and third Saturday of the month from 11.00 - 13.00. You are welcome to come and sing. If you want to be sure that ÿou have a place, please register by mail at ''.
Since 2017, the Vonder choir rehearses once a month in our upstairs room on Sunday morning.
Every (!) Saturday and Monday, our card table is reserved from 16:00 for our loyal card club. A card game that is played in only a few pubs. Do you know how to play Boonaken? Let us know!
Every fourth Saturday, bridge is played in the café under the name: Inter Pares Individual Bridgetoernooi. Interested? Register via:
"Rikken" is played every first Tuesday of the month. Interested? Walk in at around 8 o'clock.
Every Monday evening you can join the StamTafel around 18.30. Soup and main course and a lot of fun for € 12.50.
Once a week, our upstairs room is rehearsal space for the famous Eindhoven orchestra, "De Dommelaers."