De Rozenknop is one of the oldest bars in town, estimated around 1868. Since then it always has been a bar, more or less looking the same. Around 1901 the upstairs theater room was build on the first floor, which was quite unique back than, for a building outside the center of Eindhoven. For many years the upstairs room was used for concerts, dancing's and many local choirs used it for their rehearsals. During WO II it was even used as a classroom and in the early fifties the upstairs room was used for a church! Early seventies the upstairs room was closed, as both the walls and ceiling were in bad conditions. Around 2000 the room was rebuild and since then it's actively used for concerts, debates, comedy nights and many more. The downstairs bar has never really changed, and for almost 150 years people spend their time having fun in their living room. Drinking, talking, dancing, making jokes, telling stories, playing carts, with friends they know for years and with new friends they just met.

Rond 1975
Truus van Berkel